Cava Botella Antique

¿Cuáles son los mejores detectores de metales para encontrar botellas antiguas? Use detectores de metales de búsqueda profunda par...

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Care & Preservation of Relics found with Metal Detectors

By Daniel Bernzweig In another Learning Library article, Cleaning Your Finds, we talk about Finch’s Magic Tumble Clean. This safe, non toxic coin ...

Can You Hunt for Diamonds & Gemstones with a Metal Detector?

By Michael Bernzweig A relatively overlooked area of treasure hunting includes searching for precious and semi-precious stones (including diamonds!...

Camel Mining Pro-Camel 24 Automatic Gold Panning Machine Product Review

By Daniel Bernzweig Click here to purchase the Camel Mining Pro-Camel 24 Automatic Gold Panning Machine With the Pro-Camel 24 Automatic Gold ...