Garrett Vortex VX5, VX7 & VX9 Comparisons

In 2022, Garrett released their last major upgrade to their Metal Detector line-up (if you exclude their Security Detectors): the Garrett Axiom Pul...

Best Detectors for 2025

We revisit our guide for the best metal detectors. Refer to that and all things about metal detecting and a range of product comparisons to inform ...

What Are Handheld Security Detectors Used For: Comprehensive Overview

by Staff   Handheld security detectors are great tools across a wide range of industries, from schools, law enforcement, entertai...

K-12 Security: A Case Study of Security Implementation

by   Since January 1999, the U.S. has faced over 140 school shootings, impacting schools from elementary to university levels...

Comparing Metal Detector Specs: Gold, Multi-purpose & Commercial

by Staff Compare Specs Between Popular Detectors Choosing the right metal detector can significantly impact your treasure-hunt...