How To Use Historic Maps to Locate Top Treasure Hunting Sites

By Michael Bernzweig Many newcomers to the hobby of metal detecting want to dive right in without taking time to research where they will search fo...

How to Survey Land: Techniques and Tools

by James Caviness Land surveying is the process of measuring the elevation, angles, and boundaries of natural and man-made structures and mappin...

How to Start Gold Panning

By Daniel Bernzweig There are many reasons why people enjoy gold panning. For some, it is simply a fun hobby that gets them outdoors. For others...

How To Select A Metal Detector

by Sondra Bernzweig Have you wanted a metal detector for a long time? What Are The Issues That You Should Consider As You Decide? A metal detect...

How to Not Get Lost in the Wilderness

Whether you are enjoying a new hobby or conducting industrial work outdoors, it is important to take measures to protect yourself. It may be tempti...