What are the Best Metal Detectors for Seniors and Retirees?

By Daniel Bernzweig

Most people work hard their whole lives so that one day, they can retire and have time to themselves. No more waking up to an alarm clock every morning and reporting to work just to answer to a boss - no, sire! Now they have all the time in the world to relax, read and enjoy hobbies. The funny thing is... I hear a lot of retirees say that a few months into retirement, they're bored. They finished a few household projects, and now there's nothing left to do. Say what?! You can only golf in the summer? We've got the news, retirees. You are the perfect candidate for a hobby that is fascinating, exhilarating, and potentially lucrative - metal detecting! The hottest commodity a metal detecting hobbyist can have is time to dedicate to treasure hunting. Now that you have time, by all means, learn about all of the excitement that's in store with a metal detector. Be sure to read our related article entitled "why metal detecting is perfect hobby for seniors" for some great tips on getting started.

Why Will You Love the Hobby of Treasure Hunting?

Healthy outdoor exercise and the thrill of finding treasure are just two benefits of this adventure-packed hobby. There's also the aspect of learning about the geology of your region and the generations who once lived there. There are metal detecting clubs in every state and most major cities in the U.S., so this is a great opportunity to meet people with interesting stories to tell and metal detecting tips to share. Metal detecting enthusiasts are eager to tell newbies how easy it is to find lost coins, jewelry, relics from the past, money caches, gold nuggets, antique bottles, and many other valuable items.

Discover Senior Adventure

Finding adventure is typical advice given to seniors. Studies often prove the value of looking forward to activities as a means of maintaining mental health. Treasure hunting with a metal detector will provide all of the stimulation you need. First, you can read about hidden treasures and where they are often found. It pays off to visit the town room at your local library because you can research prosperous hunting locations. The town room might be equipped with historical news resources or old maps with landmarks and crossroads. Look for news of wealthy landowners who left or may have buried treasure caches. Also, make a note of areas that once had heavy traffic.

Places to Explore This Retirement Hobby

When driving around your neighborhood, keep an eye out for large old trees and undeveloped land. These are sure signs that the territory has remained untouched for many years. Before getting started, be sure to check the current local and national laws. Always remember to request permission before hunting on private property. Here are some common treasure hunting locations you can start with:

  • Playgrounds
  • Recreation areas & amusement parks
  • Beaches, riverbanks, swimming quarries
  • Parks & picnic areas
  • Campgrounds
  • Hiking and bicycle trails
  • Schools and campuses
  • Local landmarks, points of interest
  • Excavation and construction sites
  • Location of the old town dump

If antique bottles interest you, privy pits (or old outhouses) are where the pay dirt is! They were used as refuse disposal areas many years ago. These are the places bottle diggers often find antique bottles, jars, and relics. Be sure to read our article entitled "best metal detectors for finding antique bottles" for great tips and advice on finding antique bottles.

The Best Hobbies for Seniors and Retirees

As people age, their interests and needs change. Some seniors may want to get out and explore more, while others may be looking for retirement tips or for a new hobby that can be done close to home. Metal detecting can be the perfect activity for both groups! As far as retiree hobbies go, this one is a great way for an older adult to get some exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and potentially find some hidden treasures.

Some of the best hobbies for seniors and retirees include:

  • Metal detecting
  • Board Games
  • Gardening
  • Bird watching
  • Tai Chi & Yoga
  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Home Improvement Projects

Metal detecting and other hobbies that involve exploring the great outdoors can be a great way for a retired person to stay active and enjoy nature, no matter their living option. For seniors who want to stay closer to home, gardening, cooking, reading, and crafting can be wonderful pastimes. No matter your interests, there is sure to be a hobby out there that's perfect for you.

Finding the Perfect Retirement Hobby for Older Adults

Metal Detecting

When most people think of metal detecting, they think of kids on the beach looking for coins or maybe someone searching for lost jewelry. Seniors who are looking for the right hobby to enjoy a happy retirement can also benefit from this hobby. It's a popular hobby and a low-impact way to get some exercise. It's social if you do it with friends or join a club, and you never know what you might find!

If you're thinking about taking up metal detecting as a retirement hobby, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Start with a simple, inexpensive metal detector. You can always upgrade later if you decide you love the hobby.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and clothing. You'll be doing a lot of walking, so make sure you're comfortable. This hobby is an ideal way for seniors to get into some physical activity and potentially make some extra money by finding valuable objects.
  • Pack some snacks and water. You'll want to stay hydrated and fueled up for a day of detecting.
  • Be respectful of private property. Ask permission before you start detecting someone else's land.
  • The hobby is perfect for individuals or a retired couple to enjoy together. If your spouse enjoys crossword puzzles, finding the next clue to locate the perfect spot might be right up their alting

For seniors living in a senior living community, utilizing home care, or living full-time in a care home, metal detecting can still be a great hobby! It just may require a bit more planning and assistance. Metal detecting is a perfect retirement hobby for many reasons. It gets you outside. It's active without being too strenuous, it can be social if you want it to be, and it can provide some health benefits. 

Board Games

For seniors in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or memory care, board games are a retirement activity that can increase mental agility and cognitive function while also providing social connections or social interaction. Even if you have cognitive disabilities, there are still plenty of board games you can play.

Many board games require strategy and critical thinking, and these are essential elements for keeping your mind sharp. Games like Scrabble, chess, and checkers have been shown to improve cognitive function in seniors living in an active adult community, and there are many other options available as well.


Gardening is a timeless hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, especially those in their retirement years. It's a great way to meet new people, get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors, and you can grow your own food or beautify your home with flowers and plants. If you don't have a lot of space, container gardening is a great option for active adults.

Bird Watching

Bird watching is another hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, including seniors. It's a great way to get outside and enjoy nature, and it can be done from your own backyard or at a local park. Bird watching requires no special equipment, just a pair of binoculars, so it's a relatively inexpensive hobby to get into.

Tai Chi & Yoga

Physical hobbies like Tai Chi and yoga can be great for seniors, as they provide gentle exercise and help balance and flexibility. Tai Chi is a slow, meditative martial art that can be done indoors or outdoors, while yoga requires a mat or towel and some comfortable clothing. Both of these activities can be done alone and by sighted or blind users or in a group setting. 

A new hobby like Yoga can provide seniors with new friends or a chance to practice with family members. Physical exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function in seniors, so this is a great option for stress reduction.


Retirement is the perfect time to catch up on all the reading you've been meaning to do. Whether you're interested in fiction, non-fiction, biographies, or are interested in social media, there is a book out there for you. Reading can be done alone or in a group, making it a great hobby for seniors who live alone or in assisted living facilities.


A popular retirement hobby is cooking, and for a good reason. Cooking is a great way to stay active and social and make new friends or try a new skill with a loved one. It can also be a fun way to try new recipes or experiment with new ingredients. If your living options mean that you are living alone, cooking can be a great way to make meals in bulk and freeze them for later. And depending on your senior living option, you may have access to a shared kitchen where you can cook with others.

Home Improvement Projects

For early retirement seniors in good physical health who own their own homes, home improvement projects can be a great way to stay active and improve the value of your property. Whether you're interested in painting, landscaping, or minor repairs, there are many retirement hobbies to choose from. Home improvement projects can also be done with the help of friends or family, making them a great way to stay connected.

While this may require a lot of free time, extra cash or extra income, and some level of physical ability, it can be a great hobby to make your retirement years more enjoyable.

Hobbies are activities we enjoy doing for fun, relaxation, or enjoyment. They range from simple pastimes such as reading books, watching TV, playing cards and listening to music to complex hobbies such as painting, sculpting, photography, writing, cooking, gardening, woodworking, and many others.

A hobby can be engaged in for a variety of reasons, and there are many reasons why one might want to do so. Some people simply enjoy having something to do while waiting for their turn to play a game or watch television. Others may use their hobby as a way to relax after a stressful day at work. Still, others may use their hobby as an outlet for creativity.

Regardless of the reason, there are some things to consider before choosing a hobby. Whether you want to pursue a hobby full-time or occasionally is the first decision you need to make. Second, you should think about whether you prefer to learn new skills or hone existing ones. To conclude, you need to decide whether you want to spend money on equipment or supplies or if you want to save up for a specific item. Finally, you should choose a hobby that fits into your lifestyle.

More Hobby for Senior Citizens

Take up a hobby if you want to stay fit and active as a senior. There are plenty of options available. One option is to join a senior center or community recreation program. These programs offer classes, games, exercise routines, and social events. Many seniors find them very enjoyable.

Team Sports

Another option is to take up a sport. Sports provide physical activity, but they also require skill development. You can start by going to your local YMCA or health club, which is a good place to start. Most clubs offer free fitness classes for beginners. Once you become familiar with the class, you can try out other sports. If you're not interested in joining a gym, you could always sign up for a recreational league. Recreational leagues allow you to participate in various team sports, including baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball, golf, bowling, swimming, and racquetball.

Non-Team Sports

You can also find opportunities to get involved in non-team sports. Examples include archery, cycling, fishing, horseback riding, hiking, ice skating, karate, kayaking, sailing, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding, scuba diving, snorkeling, standup paddle boarding, water aerobics, windsurfing, and yoga.

The Best Hobbies for Adults Who Want to Stay Fit

Many adults who are looking to stay fit and healthy choice to take up a hobby. Whether you'd like to develop new skills or hone existing abilities, many options are available.


One popular choice is to take up dancing. Dancing offers a great workout and allows you to meet new friends. Classes are offered throughout the country. You can even enroll in dance lessons online. Dancing is also a great way to improve coordination and balance. As you gain experience, you'll notice improvements in your posture and flexibility.


Another popular hobby for adults is art. Art has been around since prehistoric times. Today, artists create everything from paintings to sculptures to jewelry. Art is a wonderful way to express yourself creatively. Artists can also benefit physically. Studies show that people who paint regularly tend to live longer and healthier lives.

The Best Hobbies for Learning New Skills

Some people love learning new things. They enjoy trying new hobbies and developing new skills. While some hobbies are easier to pick up than others, everyone can learn something new.

For instance, you can learn to knit, crochet, embroidery, cook, garden, write poetry, draw, paint, sculpt, build furniture, sew clothing, or play musical instruments.

Another great hobby is learning a new language. A foreign language opens up a whole world of culture and history to you. Plus, it helps you communicate better with those around you.

The Best Hobby For People Who Enjoy Being Creative

It is not uncommon for people who enjoy being creative to find a wide range of hobbies to suit their interests and passions. It is possible to create anything from drawings and paintings to sculptures and ceramics, and it is not limited to those mediums.

In addition to artistic pursuits, many other types of hobbies involve creativity in addition to artistic pursuits. To craft items, for example, you can use wood, metal, glass, clay, leather, fabric, paper, plastic, or any other materials that you can find. In addition to collecting antiques, coins, stamps, and vintage toys, you may also collect coins, coins, and stamps. It is also possible to collect anything else that appeals to you that you feel is interesting to you.

What Type of Metal Detector & Equipment do You Need?

If you know someone who already owns a metal detector, take advantage of their knowledge. Arrange for a demonstration on how to use it. Nothing beats the hands-on experience of actually swinging a detector and hearing the sounds that indicate you've found a target. If this gets you excited about going out in the field, then it's time to start researching detector choices. Depending on how much you wish to spend, there are quality detectors with very useful features in the entry-level, mid-level and high-end price ranges. Check out another article in our Learning Library entitled "Which Metal Detector is Best for You?" as a starting point.

A metal detector that is built to turn on and go is ideal for beginners. It's easy: just turn your detector on, adjust a couple of settings, put on some metal detecting headphones, and you're ready to go! Some models use a high-pitched tone for good targets and a low-sounding grunt for junk targets. Others have a meter or LCD display that tells you what the object probably is. This target identification feature identifies whether you've found a dime or a bottle cap. Discrimination is an adjustment you can make so your detector doesn't sound off if you swing over a junk target like the pull tab from a soda can. For basic treasure hunting, the most popular choice is a multipurpose VLF (very low frequency) metal detector. Additional equipment such as a pinpointer, headphone, digger, and tool pouch make retrieving your finds much easier.

Top models for retirees interested in treasure hunting:

Entry-Level Detectors

Mid-Level Detectors

High-End Detectors

MetalDetector.com's "My Metal Detecting Finds" Stories

It's always fun to hear about people's successes while using their metal detectors. If you're new to the hobby, it can also be a good source of inspiration. Hobbyists from around the world submit real treasure hunting stories with photos of their finds. Reviews from seniors using metal detectors like this one from 78-year-old William and this one from Brenda show that this is a fun hobby for retirees. Hopefully, you will have just as much success when you set out to find coins, relics, jewelry, and more. Equipped with a metal detector, you're retired days may just be your most fun and enjoyable yet!

There are many great hobbies for seniors and retirees. It just depends on what you're interested in and what you're looking for. You do not need to be a road scholar to jump in and have fun with any of these activities. Whether you want to stay active, social, or just try a new leisure activity, new things to do in retirement are out there waiting for you. 

Copyright 2014 Detector Electronics Corp. - Revised September 2022
